Trump doesn’t share America’s values Example 435, the Philippine president edition.

资讯 2024-09-23 01:26:36 81

Let’s set aside the pomp and baggage of Donald Trump and let’s look at the things he does and says and, apparently, thinks. When you do that, without prejudice or Fox News blaring in the background or the tinted glasses of the Republican leadership, it’s clear what’s wrong with Donald Trump and his young, upheaval of a presidency: Donald Trump does not believe in American values. I mean that literally. He doesn’t even really pay lip service to even the foggiest conception of American values. Donald Trump does not believe in fairness; he does not believe in due process; he does not believe in democracy; he does not believe in human rights; and on and on.


The latest example of Donald Trump’s aversion to principles most Americans hold dear came via the Washington Post on Tuesday, which followed up on reporting several weeks ago on President Trump’s call to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. We already knew Trump invited Duterte—who has waged a deadly extrajudicial war against “drugs” in his country since being elected last year—to the White House for a visit. We already knew Trump expressed admiration for Duterte’s bloody domestic battle that has killed thousands in the streets, some drug dealers, but many drug addicts and bystanders with little regard for which are which.

Trump’s embrace of Duterte and his drug policy that has been condemned from all corners was astounding when relayed through spokespeople and secondhand diplomatic sources last month. But the Postgot a copy of the actual transcript of the call between the two and Trump’s outright fawning over Duterte and his murderous drug war, right off the bat and totally unprompted, is staggering.

Leaked transcript of the call between President Trump and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.


“I just wanted to congratulate you because I am hearing of the unbelievable job on the drug problem. Many countries have the problem, we have a problem, but what a great job you are doing and I just wanted to call and tell you that.”

Then Trump blamed Obama, naturally, for not supporting the Philippine government wantonly killing people in the street.

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