Arrest warrant issued for teenager who stabbed school bully

关于我们 2024-09-22 06:47:18 94595
An arrest warrant was issued Wednesday for a 15-year-old boy accused of attempted homicide for stabbing his school bully.

The Wonju Branch of Chuncheon District Court said that while the juvenile law says that teenagers should only be put into detention when circumstances rule it necessary, the case applies to prevent the accused from fleeing. 

The accused teenager, whose identity was withheld to protect his rights to privacy, is being charged for stabbing his classmate multiple times with a sharp object inside the school’s washroom on Monday at around 10:50 a.m., for bullying that had included physical assault.

The stabbed student was immediately taken to the hospital. The doctors reportedly said he will live.

The relationship between the two students had soured since mid-July when they fought over a callous remark made on social media regarding an ex-girlfriend.

The affronted ex-boyfriend began to bully the other, hitting him across the face, abdomen and legs at park and in the school washroom on a total of four counts.

On the day of the stabbing, the accused had been hit on the head and cheek in the washroom after the first class.

After the second class the accused was once again taken to the washroom and hit, when he drew out a knife he had on him and stabbed the bullying student multiple times.

By Lim Jeong-yeo (



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