Two S. Koreans move out of Ethiopia's conflict region, source says

关于我们 2024-09-23 08:20:58 5

Ethiopian refugees who fled Tigray region,<strong></strong> queue to receives treatment within the Fashaga camp on the Sudan-Ethiopia border, in Kassala state, Sudan on Monday. (Reuters-Yonhap)Ethiopian refugees who fled Tigray region, queue to receives treatment within the Fashaga camp on the Sudan-Ethiopia border, in Kassala state, Sudan on Monday. (Reuters-Yonhap)Two South Koreans have escaped from Ethiopia's conflict-hit region unharmed and moved to a "safe" location in the capital city of Addis Ababa, an informed source said Tuesday.

The two unidentified Koreans had been out of contact since tensions heightened recently in the northern region of Tigray in the African country, where an armed conflict is ongoing between its federal government and military forces led by a dissident political party.

They arrived in Addis Ababa on Monday and plan to take a flight home soon, the source said. They reportedly know each other from work.

Concern about their safety was also mentioned during the recent phone conversation between the top diplomats of the two countries earlier this month, another source said.

Seoul's foreign ministry has raised the travel warning for Tigray to "Level 3", the second-highest out of a four-scale system, which calls for citizens to leave the country. (Yonhap)




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