21+ Programs to Analyze and Benchmark Your Hardware

关于我们 2024-09-23 21:32:23 611

You've just bought a new gaming desktop, or a laptop for the office. Maybe you've upgraded your computer with a new CPU and motherboard. You might be into overclocking and tweaking your system to make it run as fast as it can. But do you know exactly what you've got? Has your machine got the parts it's supposed to have? How well is that PC actually working? These are really important questions.

That's why it's wise to get yourself some programs to check out what's inside the case and test your rig against other machines or compare them with results shown in hardware reviews.

There's lots to choose from, but we've compiled a list of 21 programs that are great for analyzing or benchmarking your devices – whether you've got a mobile phone, laptop or desktop PC running Windows, Linux, or macOS, we've got you covered.

The software applications suggested in this article will scan your device and check for information about the hardware contained within. Many of the applications we like and use regularly are completely free, although a few only unlock their full potential with a purchase. In no particular order, let's get on with the list.

Part 1: Programs to Analyze and Monitor your PC




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